“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

Hello, I’m Nour

I’m an entrepreneur based out of Amsterdam. I build and sell online businesses in the community, education, eCommerce, and SaaS spaces.

Over the years, I’ve built 5 different companies, the last of which I exited after helping thousands of people overcome their anxious attachment.

My proudest accomplishment remains the positive impact I’ve had on people’s lives, and my contribution to their empowerment.


Pillar 1: Community

Today, the world faces a new type of pandemic: loneliness. People are more lonely than ever, and a sense of community and belonging is strongly needed.

Pillar 2: Education

I believe education is the first step in any change. When people learn about themselves and the world, they are empowered with the ability to improve their lives.

Pillar 3: Transformation

There’s nothing more extraordinary than witnessing someone’s transformation, and unlocking the endless possibilities and potential present within each of us.


I seek to contribute.

“There is no joy in possession without sharing.”

I believe in the importance of sharing knowledge, so I regularly speak at founder events and masterminds.

This is me speaking at the No More Networking retreat in Belgium.


“Nour is one of the brightest minds in advertising today.”

— Paul Domanski


Touching people’s lives brings me fulfillment in life.

There’s no better feeling in the world than watching someone’s life transform for the better as a result of a product or service that I’ve built.

I see myself in others, and I believe that the outside world is a reflection of ourselves. As such, I seek to find the beauty and potential in every person I meet.